
You can easily access some of our important documents and learn more about our ISO certification, services and delivery terms.

Important documents

Our collection of important documents gives you everything you need to know about our ISO certification, sales and delivery terms, to machine list and product brochure.

Download the PDFs for more information.

Should we be your partner?

Let’s find the complete and right solution for you together. With 50 years of experience in machining parts in materials such as steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum and plastic, and a machine park of over 140 high-tech CNC machines, we are the right subcontractor for you

Send your request

Send your inquiry by filling out the form, attach your drawings or specifications and you will receive a non-binding offer from us. Let us help you produce the right solution. 

Contact form

* Your personal data will only be used for the purpose of obtaining quotes and not for marketing or other purposes. marketing or otherwise.


Ønsker du at sende en forespørgsel?
Klik på linket og udfyld formularen.

Send os en E-mail

Du er altid velkommen til at sende os en E-mail. Vi svarer så hurtigt vi kan

Ring til os

Vi er altid tilgængelig på telefonen

Man/tor kl. 08.00-16.00
Fredag kl: 08-00-15.30
Lørdag/søndag: Lukket

Skal vi kontakte dig?

Vi bruger kun dine personoplysninger til dialogskabelse, og ikke til annoncering eller anden markedsføring.

Contact form

Do you want to send an inquiry? Click the link and fill out the form.

Send us an e-mail

You are always welcome to send us an e-mail. We respond as soon as we can

Give us a call

We are always available on the phone

Mon/Thu 08.00-16.00
Friday at: 08-00-15.30
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Should we contact you?

We only use your personal data for dialog creation and not for advertising or other marketing purposes.