We are expanding our machine list in our in-house tool production

Today we were pleasantly surprised with the delivery of our brand new Walter Helitronic Power 5-axis machine.

This latest addition to our fleet represents our third investment in this type of machine at REA. We have already established ourselves with a Helitronic Vision and a Helitronic Pro, which form a solid foundation for our tool department.

With the latest tool grinding software in place, our production capacity has been boosted and we can now produce the most advanced geometries with unmatched accuracy and efficiency. This technological upgrade underlines our continuous focus on innovation and quality.

By investing in and expanding our tooling department, we always strive to increase our flexibility and efficiency. This allows us to meet our customers’ needs quickly and accurately, while saving them the time and hassle of having to use an external supplier. This strategy is a key part of our commitment to delivering first-class products and service to our customers.

Walter-Helitronic-Power-Scaled maskine

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