Brand new band saw to REA automatdrejning

We are pleased to announce that our new bandsaw, DoALL APEX-420NC, is now installed and fully operational. This latest investment allows us to meet the needs of our customers who require machining of turned and milled parts with a diameter of up to 420 mm. We can work with a wide range of materials, including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, pipes and more.

Send us your request and we will be happy to prepare a non-binding offer for you. With our advanced equipment and expertise, we are ready to solve your machining needs with high quality and precision

Curious about our machinery?

Our new bandsaw is one of our 140 machines. You can read what types of machines we have on the Machinery page.

The latest news


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Mon/Thu 08.00-16.00
Friday at: 08-00-15.30
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